Онлайн-класс Сhieasy
Онлайн-класс — удобная платформа для интерактивного изучения китайского языка. В одном окне браузера студент и преподаватель общаются друг с другом и работают с обучающими материалами.

How the Online Class works

What will I get?

My Profile

Submit a request for your first trial lesson and you will receive your login information on EMAIL. Turn on your webcam and microphone and chat with your teacher in the same window in which you work with your course materials.


Chat with the teacher, get new words and useful pictures, and when you don't need it, just close it up.

Simple homework exchange

Submit your homework for review at the touch of a button and Receive notifications as soon as your teacher checks them.

Built-in video communication
Convenient Profile
Built-in chat

Keep track of your progress

After each lesson, the teacher will assign a A five-point system for the student on two parameters, Activity and Knowledge Level. In addition to the above two factors, the platform will monitor the student's attendance and compile a single progress, which you can see in your profile !

Give your teacher a grade

After the lesson, the student will be able to assign a grade on a A student will be able to give a five-point rating on one parameter. This parameter evaluates the teacher's preparation for the lesson and the teacher's engagement in the lesson!

Easy booking

The ability to book a class time at any time and from any Choose a time that is convenient for you and we will notify the teacher!

Effectiveness of lessons
Certificate of completed course
More Freedom

Progress Control

In the parent's profile you will see what lessons your child attended today and how well he/she did on his/her homework.

Certificate of Completion

Every student at our online school can receive a certificate upon at the end of any course of study.



A trial class is almost free!
Talk to your future teacher and check your Chinese level in a trial lesson
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